HVAC Maintenance Tips for the Experienced Building Manager

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As a building manager, you need to not only be on top of the routine building maintenance, but you also need to be looking for ways to improve the energy efficiency of your properties. A great place to start, is your HVAC system. Improve the efficiency and affordability of your property with these essential HVAC maintenance tips.

Timed Filter Replacement

You probably already know that an air conditioner needs to have its filter replaced to prevent blockage, but did you know that a commercial air conditioner should have a new filter every month? By replacing filters monthly, you can save money and reduce the risk of condenser damage on commercial air conditioning units.

Maintenance Scheduling

With a full plate of maintenance tasks and emergency repairs, you may have a hard time keeping track of what needs to be accomplished. HVAC maintenance may not seem like a top priority, but it can save you an incredible amount on utility bills and replacement costs. If you’re overtaxed, work with a qualified HVAC technician to set up a maintenance schedule for your properties.

HVAC Settings Adjustment

Keeping your employees and customers comfortable during the day is very important. However, this does not mean you can’t save money and energy by adjusting the temperatures. Consider altering the temperature for the times your building is empty, such as nights and weekends. Even a few degrees can make a big difference in your monthly energy bills.

Work With a Qualified Team in Northern California

Keep your managed properties operating smoothly and efficiently with routine maintenance and emergency HVAC services by Bay City Mechanical. Contact us today by calling 510-947-6732 or sending us an email to schedule maintenance or learn more about quality HVAC tips and tricks to get more out of your property.