4 Ways to Save Energy With Your Commercial HVAC System

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As a property owner or manager, you’re probably looking for ways to save money every day, why not save energy at the same time! Did you know there are savings lurking in your HVAC system? The following are four steps you can take to cash in.

1. Run at Maximum Efficiency

When you keep your HVAC system running at maximum efficiency, it won’t use more energy than needed. To make this happen, you should always keep up with preventative maintenance. If there are repairs or small adjustments that need to be made, they should be taken care of as soon as possible. You can also use retrofits to extend your HVAC system lifespan.

2. Change the Filter

The air filter of your HVAC system will need to be changed at least every month. If your commercial building produces a particularly high amount of dust and dirt, you should probably change the filter more frequently. When air can easily flow through the filter, it won’t use as much energy, and it won’t burn out. A clean filter also means cleaner air in your commercial building.

3. Clean the Condensation Line

A clog in your condensation line will encourage mold and mildew growth. Keeping your condensation line clean can help you avoid this, which improves energy consumption.

4. Complete Repairs Promptly

If you wait too long to get your HVAC system repaired when it has an issue, that issue will inevitably get worse. The worse the problem, the more energy it will use to try and compensate for the failure, and the more money you’ll end up spending on a bigger repair. To cut back on this high energy consumption, repair your HVAC system in a timely manner.

Contact the Professionals

Your commercial HVAC system will run most efficiently when it’s in good repair. Do what you can to ensure it’s running at maximum efficiency, has a clean filter and condensation line, and gets repaired promptly. Contact the professionals at Bay City Mechanical today by calling 510-947-6732 or sending us an email to learn more.