5 Facts About Commercial ACs


As with most things, the more you know about your air conditioning system, the more prepared you will be if there is a problem. Here are five things you may not have known about your AC system.

1. Most AC Systems Fail Because of Electrical Problems

Did you know that most failures occur because of an electrical issue? Often, these issues may include tripped breakers, blown capacitors, blown fuses, and more. If there is an electrical problem with your AC, it is best to have professional help. If you try to fix an electrical issue on your own, you could make the problem worse.

2. Air Filter Changes Should Be Regular

Do not slack on changing your air filter! If you want improved air quality, then you’ll want fresh air filters regularly. While this is important to your health and the health of others in your home, the air filter also serves another purpose. It can reduce energy costs! When your air filter is dirty, then the machine has to work harder to provide the same amount of airflow.

3. There Are Clear Warning Signs

What you may not know is how clear some of the warning signs are that you need to have your AC inspected. Signs of failure may include:

•  Inconsistent thermostat

•  Loud noises

•  Incorrect temperatures

Any of these signs can spell out trouble for your AC.

4. You Can Assist Your AC

In the summer, your AC had a tough job ahead of it. You can help it run better and more efficiently. Try other means to regulate the temperature in your building. For instance, improve your insulation, close the blinds in the summer, and make sure that your ceiling fans are in working order to circulate air.

5. AC Leaks Are not Normal

A lot of people believe that AC leaks are normal. Do not mistake a leak for condensation. Most leaks are a bad sign that your maintenance professional should observe as soon as possible.

To discover more about your AC system and how to maintain it, contact Bay City Mechanical by calling 510-570-1826 or emailing us today!