3 Common HVAC Issues During Fall and Winter


Fall and winter might be a nice reprieve from the hotter temperatures of summer, but they could pose some problems for your HVAC system. The following are three common HVAC issues that seem to occur during the colder months of fall and winter. Understanding these issues and how to solve them can save you time and money.

1. Poor Air Quality

Whether you forget to change your filters or don’t realize it needs to be done, dirty filters can cause the air quality to become poor. As a commercial building manager, it’s your job to ensure air quality is at its finest, to avoid health problems in your employees and tenants. Be sure you use high quality filters, that you replace them on a regular basis, and that you contact a professional if the filters don’t seem to be doing what they should.

2. System Shut Downs

HVAC systems often work extra hard when the weather changes. When summer turns to fall, fall turns to winter, and winter turns to spring, your HVAC system will work in a different way to accommodate the temperature changes. While preventative maintenance can help to avoid this, it’s possible the system will shut down under too much pressure.

3. Inconsistent Temperatures

Sometimes fall and winter can be tricky when it comes to temperature. It might be quite cold in the morning when your employees arrive, only to heat up by the middle of the day. Your HVAC system could kick on the heater in the morning and the air conditioner in the afternoon to make up for the changes. This could lead to inconsistent temperatures.

Taking Care of Maintenance on a Regular Basis

One of the best ways to take care of these problems is to contact an HVAC solution specialist to speak about preventative maintenance and proper repairs. To learn more, or to schedule an appointment to discuss these things, contact Bay City Mechanical by calling 510-947-6732 or emailing us today!